Goats for Sale

Bucks for Sale

BOB2 FORCE FACTOR  This has been our buck the last two years.  He is very easily handled and threw many nice kids.  It will be sad to part with him.  He will be three years old in May.  $400

     This beautiful paint buck kid was born December 29, 2012.  He is extremely friendly...didn't have the heart to sell him as a market kid.  He can be registered through the ABGA at 100%.  $350  

   Doe Kids for Sale

MSLR PAINTER This beautiful doe was born 12/21/11.  She is fullblood and registered with the ABGA.  Unfortunately she does not have good teat structure which is why I am asking a lower price of $200.

This red doe was born December 18, 2012.   She can be registered as a purebred through the ABGA at 94%. $350- SOLD

These two adorable twin doe kids were born December 28, 2012.  They are both paints with red spots  on their front knees.  The first pictured has a red cape and red spots on legs/feet.  The second has a red rear/tail area as well as the red knees/feet.  They have a solid red mother so will be likely to throw paint kids.  They can be registered through the ABGA at 88%...so if they are bred to a fulblood buck their kids will be purebred at 94%. $300 each or $500 for the pair

This red doe was born December 22, 2012.  She is solid red with a right front foot.  She can be registered at 100% through the ABGA.  $350- SOLD

MSLR DARK RED This beautiful dark red four year old doe is registered at 75% through the ABGA.  She is an excellent mother and very gentle. $400 -SOLD

MSLR LUCY This doe is traditional with a red front leg.  She is registered at 100% through the ABGA.  She will be six years old in May and an excellent mother.  $275-SOLD

MSLR FANCY is a four year old traditional doe.  She has great length and has had thick kids the last three years.  $350 - SOLD

                                          2012 kids

This first doe was born January 7.  She is a beautiful paint with a round spot on her back.  She is out of our cape buck and can be registered as fullblood through the ABGA.  $300..SOLD

Here is a beautiful traditional doe that can be registered at 88%.  She was born early January and is out of our cape buck.  $300...SOLD
